Tag Archives: fiqh
Which way to pray
Our Prophet ( SAW) said, “Pray as you see me pray “.
Some people hold their arms against their sides during prayer. Continue reading
Book recommendation
Investing in supermarkets
Q: Is one allowed to make investments in terms of stocks and shares in supermarkets? Bearing in mind, that some of the products they sell may contain pork or alcohol? Continue reading
Following only one school of fiqh
Question: If one follows a school of fiqh does he have to follow it in every matter; if he does not, is he a person of bidah? Answer: No to both questions. For example, Shafi`is in Hajj routinely follow the … Continue reading
Madhhab of Hadith Imams
Q: What is the position of the Great compilers of hadith in matters of fiqh? Continue reading
Meaning of Sunnah
In the terminology of usul al-fiqh or principles of jurisprudence, sunnah denotes a saying, action or approval related from the Prophet (s) or issuing from him other than the Qur’an…. the jurists have stressed that the basis for all acts of worship categorized as sunnah is “obligatoriness” not “permissiveness”. Continue reading
Qur’an and Menses
Q: Should women read or touch the Qur’an during menstruation?…[fr]Q: Should women read or touch the Quran during menstruation?…[/fr] Continue reading
Why Do the Imams Differ?
At times a difference of opinion occurs due to the different narrations that are found with regards to a particular aspect. One Imam gives preference to one narration on the basis of various criteria while the other Imam, in the light of his knowledge, prefers the other narration. Continue reading