Tag Archives: forgiveness
what is the dua if person surrounded by enemy people?
I was looking if we have any dua or ayah that can be read for a person when he is alone and when he his with family ,for there safety if a person is surrounded by enemy soldiers and there is a threat for life?
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Dua’ for forgivness
I am inlove with a man and we were talking about marriage. I have made a mistake in the past that i regret. I begged for forgiveness and was able to move on. i am now a different person to the better and i changed alot. I told the man about my past and he told me he cannot see me anymore even though he is in love with me too.
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Prayer Request: Dua for friends late father
I just want to humbly ask for a prayer on behalf of my friend who had her father pass away about a month ago… Continue reading
Broken Promise
I made 2 promises to Allah (I said in my dua,”Allah, I promise to…”). I could not live up to my promises & broke them… Continue reading
How to increase Rizk – salary – earnings
I am financially hard pressed. I am a Computer Professional – Oracle DBA working in the US… Continue reading
The chain according to MSN (dream)
I had a vision where MSN explained to me the philosophy of taking care if his mureeds. He said that MSH is the 1st level, very close to mureed’s troublesome. MSH would present all these to MSN. Later, MSN would bring all the needs in front of our prophete Muhamed (s). The prophet would present all these troubles to Allah. Continue reading
Martyr and 72 virgins in heaven
I’m currently taking a religious class and this week’s topic is on Islam. A student asked the below question and I want to provide… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Father is unwell since years
Ya Sayydi, My father is unwell, it’s been 5 years now, please grant him complete physical and spirtual health… Continue reading