Tag Archives: Hanafi fiqh

Marriage without Wali.

I want to marry a girl but out parents have told us to complete our studies first.I want to know if we can perform the marriage without the wali. Continue reading

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Qira’at Hanafi

I have a couple of questions about qira’at in hanafi madhab.
1) In Jama’ah sirri salaat, how do we recite fateha and other surahs? Do we have to recite with low voice or moving the lips is enough? Continue reading

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Questions for Shaykh Gibril

1] I was reading a translation of usool al-Shashi (Hanafi Fiqh), and it mentioned that Sayyiduna Imam al-Shafi,rahmatullahi ta’la alayh… Continue reading

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Janaza on unborn baby

A friend mureed wife just got a miscarriage few minutes ago. She was 5 to 6 months pregnant. Is Janaza obligatory for age? Please we are waiting for your answer to proceed.
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Marriage and circumcision

My friend converted to Islam 10 years ago a sister as asked him for nikah but she wants him to get circumcision…. Continue reading

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Hanafi Ruling on Seafood

I have recently been researching into what seafood are allowed and what are not. Currently I have found out that Crabs and such crustaceans that survive on land may not be and fish are. My question is what is the Hanafi ruling on… Continue reading

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Jafari Fiqh

I am curious about the Naqshbandi position on Jafari fiqh and those who practice it?
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Jummah prayers

During jummah what should we read i.e numbers of rakat. After the adhan i have been reading 4 rakat sunnat then the 2 rakats for jummah behind the imam, when iqamat is given. After jummah… Continue reading

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Hair cutting

I wish to ask to which length women can cut her hair according to Hanafi school of… Continue reading

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Help needed for divorce proceedings

My friend has asked me to write this and is requesting help/guidance for her… Continue reading

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