Tag Archives: hand
Dream: Noor
My mother told me, many years ago she had her dream, where she is sitting in the middle and on the right and left are all women sitting with white clothes and noor reflecting off them… Continue reading
Dream: Cat Biting Hand
I keep dreaming about my family cat biting me on the hand, however I do not feel the pain… Continue reading
Dream: In Sultan’s kitchen
I was in the kitchen of Sh.Nazim (and probably in the house of Sh. Hisham—not sure) doing dishes and Shaytan was giving orders… Continue reading
Dream: A cat with a serpent mouth
Myself and my husband are in the dream. A cat with a serpent shaped mouth grabs my hand, bites it but it does not hurt me… Continue reading
Dream: Feet of Shaykh Nazim
I had a dream about Shaykh Nazim, I was in the garage of my house and the Shaykh was with me,… Continue reading
Dream: From my chest
Long before I ever heard about spirituality, I went for Hajj. In Medina, I used to greet the Prohet(SAW) every morning and evening… Continue reading
Dream: Tall African man/warriorRêve: Grand homme/guerrier africain
1. “Uncle A” chopped off “Uncle B’s” hand in order to save it (it was trapped in a door).[fr]1. “Oncle A” a coupé la main de “Oncle B” pour la sauver (elle était coincé dans une porte)…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Maulana kissing between 2 eyebrows
I visited Maulana shaykh nazim in cyprus (in my dream). A mureed came. He stretched his hand. so the mureed kissed it. Continue reading