Tag Archives: Imam Ghazali
Re: Pseudo-Salafi preacher on Imam al-Ghazali
how would you respond to this attack on Ash`aris Continue reading
Qushayri on hunger/fasting
I have 2 different translations of Qushayri’s Risala. In the chapter on hunger, one of them translates: ..I heard Ibn Salim say: “The proper rule of one who practices hunger is to limit one’s daily meal to the size of a cat’s ear.” … Continue reading
Learning Shariah
As I don’t know someone that I am able to trust and keep company with to learn sharia and adab I am resorting to nothing but to ask for a way to learn sharia… Continue reading
Hujjat ul Islam
. I had some questions regarding Hujjat-Islam Imam Ghazali. You wrote on this site… Continue reading
Cheikh Hisham and presidents.
Imam ghazali speak about the relations with sultans that the meeting between a ‘alim and the president ( it’s worse with tyrant and kafirum) is haraam… Continue reading
Privacy when it comes to dreams
I find it very frustrating though when it comes to dreams, I feel like few actually require legitimate interpretation Continue reading
What exactly is Nafs or Ego
I am still not able to understand the real and exact meaning of the words “NAFS”… Continue reading
The musabba’at found in Imam Haddad’s wird al kabir and mentioned by Imam Ghazali… Continue reading