Tag Archives: Last Days

3 signs time to panic

We understand that Sultan Awliya is leaving for Hajj this coming Nov and that in the near future Muharram which is in Dec, Istanbul will have a huge earthquake. Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet PBUH in Dream

I was going through the market with my friend, I saw Muhammad PBUH clad in leather shirt jeweled with expensive stones, along with the kings of Iran and Syria who were caring thorn of Prophet on their shoulders. The thorn was similar to Prophet’s shirt and heavily jeweled with colored stones Continue reading

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Tall Buildings In the Last Days

Thank you for the knowledge through the book “The Approach of Armageddon? An Islamic Perspective”… Continue reading

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Hidden Treasure

I want to know how to find the exact location of the treasure hidden inside the earth, and if i find the exact location how do i remove it, i have heard the treasures are been guarded by evil or good jins. Continue reading

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Safety from dajjal

Recently I stumbled across Mawlana Sheikh Hisham’s book “The Approach of Armageddon”. Continue reading

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Dream: Dog, wasp and cigarette

1. In my living room at home I see a pet dog there with me. A brown dog with large… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Protection from the Fitnah of Coming Times

I would like to request that Shaykh Nazim pray for me, and for my entire families protection from evil and fitna in the coming days and that we may come on Sirat e mustaqeem. Continue reading

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Dream: Masjid an-Nabawi

I was sitting inside Masjid al-Nabawi ( alayhi afdalus salat was salaam ) waiting for Jumah Salah… Continue reading

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Dream: Seven weddings

Hi salaam alykoem to all I recently had a dream where I was attending a wedding when reached there,.. Continue reading

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Dream: show tsunami

Respectable sir I was dream contentiously two time’s tsunami come’s again… Continue reading

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