Tag Archives: Last Days

Dream: Sayyidina Mahdi and Sayyidina Isa as

I saw in my dream that I was standing near a plane waiting to go and see Imam Mahdi a.s. Continue reading

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Daily Dhikr

I do daily dhikr (Allah 5,000x with tongue, 5,000x with the heart, and 1,000x or 2,000x Shalawat), and if I will do simultaneously dhikr for peace in end time that containing : Continue reading

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Dream: Sheikh Hisham

I saw Sheikh Hisham.I was expressing my confidence on Him. Continue reading

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Al Dajjal

Q: Can you tell us more about the dajjal what is he going to do? Someone told me that about Dajjal yuhyee wa yumit is it true ? Continue reading

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Dream: Invitation to a Monestary

Dream: salam alaykom Yesterday i was crying in public and there was a nun who saw me. She approached me and asked me if I’m ok. I said yes thank you. And she said you are Muslim correct? I said … Continue reading

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Dream: Kings funeral

I dreamt a while ago, that I was at a kings funeral with other people, Maulana Sheikh Nazim(Allah bless him) was there, my father a sister also, my father was explaining to me the reason why the king passed away because he had no one to protect him like in the way my sister was protecting me… Continue reading

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Belief: About Armageddon

Q: anytime the question of Armageddon, or Mahdi (a.s.) or the Judgement Day comes to a conversation, my wife, Habiba, suffer a great anguish and she start to say that why I believe in this things (about the end of the world) and I started a family and bring children to suffer, or denying that this Huge events will happen in our times. Continue reading

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Dream: To See Prophet Jesus (as)

Q: I had a dream when In the days i really wanted to see sayidina Isa alahi Salam in the dream you told me to see the only way to see him is to obedient to your mother. Continue reading

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Hadith: Allah Withdrawing Water in 3 Years

Q: I once read about a hadith which says that one day Allah will withdraw 1/3 of the water the first year, then 2/3 the second year and 3/3 the third year. Continue reading

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