Tag Archives: late
Join Salatul Tarawi Late
How to proceed when you arrive late to the masjid and the jamat is already praying tarawih. Should we pray salatul isha first alone and then join? Thanks and Salam.
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Disrupted Sleep Patterns
I have problems with sleeping. I sleep late at night and I get up late as well. What worries me is my unhealthy schedules… Continue reading
Dream: Journery
Whenever prior to travelling abroad i get dreams of loosing passport,getting late for flight etc.On this dream I lost my passport and drivers license,unable to pack luggage and leave for cyprus ontime.why do I always get these type of dreams? Continue reading
Coming late to jama’ah
I have two fiqh questions: Continue reading
Prayers in winter
1) In the UK, zohr is around 1 pm, assr around 2.45 pm and maghrib at 4pm. At work or if I happened to be out, it becomes sometimes difficult to do the 3 prayers on time, as they are in a 3 hour gap.
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Joining Congregational Prayer After First Raka`at
Q: We join the fard prayers after it started, lets say at the second rakaates, when the Imam gives salam we stand up to complete what we are missing. Do I read the thanaa before Alhamdolillah? Continue reading