Tag Archives: masjid an-Nabawi

Dream: Masjid an-Nabawi

I was sitting inside Masjid al-Nabawi ( alayhi afdalus salat was salaam ) waiting for Jumah Salah… Continue reading

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Dream: Imam Mahdi’s Adhan

I heard Sayyiduna Mahdi’s adhaan from my house, I was lying on my bed at the time, I did not see Sayyiduna Mahdi in the dream… Continue reading

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Dream: Shaykh Hisham at the grave of RasoolAllah(saw)

I had a dream in which I was at the grave of the Holy Prophet(saw) and present were Shaykh Hisham and other mashaikh… Continue reading

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Dream: sora AL Waqia

1) I saw in my dream Quran in giant size. When I opened it, it was sora al waqia. Continue reading

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Question about my Madinah visit

1) While at Prophet Muhammed’s (SAW) mosque, my aunt told me of a green carpet that I should pray on (2 rakats nifl)… Continue reading

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Dream: beautiful shoes and Barakah

Recently I went for umra and had 2 dreams in morning while I was in Madina. My younger sis had gone to Masjid Nbawi in morning but I slept… Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet Muhammad saw grave

I saw our beloved Prophet’s tomb. It was black with beautiful gold Arabic letters on it… Continue reading

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Dream: Bayah/Rauza Mubarak

1) I saw that someone is reading Quran and I didn’t see Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam but as far as I remember. I felt as Huzoore Paak Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam… Continue reading

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Dream: Emergency landing in Madina
Rêve: Atterrissage forcé à Médine

I was traveling on a plane with my mother and three siblings from Pakistan to America. [fr]Je voyageais en avion du Pakistan vers l’Amérique avec ma mère et trois de mes frères et sœurs…[/fr] Continue reading

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Rêve: Atterrissage forcé à Médine

Dream: prayer in dream

Dream: assalam alaykum Saw a dream in the morning hours i am in a certain mosque. And sitting in the first row ( the mosque and all other musallieen are in white dress). Waiting for Imam to come and lead … Continue reading

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