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Tag Archives: money
Dream: spider legs, chicken intestine, green saliva
We’re a couple who are going to tie the rope in marital next month, Rajab. My future wife had a bizarre dream, repeated 2 times during her periods… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged chicken heart, chicken intestines, couple future wife, distant relatives, dry, green, hand, indecisive, long, making decisions, money, mouth, over spending, Rajab, remove, saliva, seak, spending, spider legs, sticky, swallow, unexpected, wedding
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Dream: Persons of authority
In my dream I was sitting on a toilet taking a stool…so two men walked in, one a general and another person of law… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged authority figure, bathroom, check, devote, Facebook, foul odor, general, good actions, internet use, men, money, mother, sinful, smell, toilet, wasting time, worship
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Dream: Being an imam and eggs
I saw that I was imam (I am a girl) and was leading the prayer… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged area, broken, du`a, eating, eggs, fear, girl, ill-placed, imam, Khatm Khwajagan, lead, leading prayer, loss, man's voice, mistakes, money, picking, property, raw, recite, responsibility, salat al-Dhuhr, women
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Dream: Close friend
I recently saw a dream that my very close friend had many louse (a type of insect)… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged dependents, eye, friend, high position, infection, insect, left, lice, louse, money
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Prayer Request: For Job and Wife
Can you pray for me that I will find a job which gives me lot of money so I would no longer have to think about material needs. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged activities, choice, highest levels, holy experiences, humanity, Imam Mahdi, job, journey, love, material needs, money, mothers, perfect woman, Prophet Muhammad (s), see, success, wife
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Dream: Money Paper
I was happy to see my father alive and I intend to give him the money I got, but then I remember that this money I intend to give him is the first amount… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged after death, alive, amount, bed, blessings, father, good condition, handbag, happy, inheritance, money, mother, siblings, sleeping, soul
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Making Mawlana Happy
Im going to visit MSN (qs) on the 4th April alhamdulillah insha’Allah… Continue reading
Posted in Hajj, `Umrah & Ziyarah
Tagged adab, akhira, blessing, burdens, dunya, gift, good manners, happy, holiest man, hug, kiss feet, kiss hands, material gifts, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, money, perfume, presence, sincere heart, smile, speak, stress, visit, ziyara, ziyarah
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Dream: Pious person and money
I saw a local shaykh in my dream; Pir Muhammad Saqib bin Iqbal al Shami. I have never met this shaykh and have only seen a few of their lectures… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged good sign, lectures, local shaykh, money, pious person, talk
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