Tag Archives: Prayers
Instructions on Ibaadat
Naqshbandi Awrad, Bashair Al Khayrat, Dua Al Huroof, Hizb Jalalahu, Hizb Wiqaya, Dua Khidr AS 1x, Durood Tunjina 1x, Surah Continue reading
Sinking islands
We heard from Maulana that there will be some countries or islands which will sink partially or completely, e.g: Mauritius island, Cyprus and others. [fr]We heard from Maulana that there will be some countries or islands which will sink partially or completely, e.g: Mauritius island, Cyprus and others. [/fr] Continue reading
Prayer Request: Pray for my Family
Secondly I would like to ask for forgiveness, as I am not the best of mureeds and very low in adaab… Continue reading
I love you sheijk hisham and Ilove you hayyiah naziah
thanks for all Continue reading
Prayer Request: Success in My Daughter’s Studies
My daughter age 14 years named [private], is a very good child. She has performed umra and says her prayers… Continue reading
Disaster preparedness
My question pertains to “disaster preparedness” and advices to get ready. I learned recently that it is a Sunnah to get ready for disaster and I wish to learn how… Continue reading
Prayer Request: About personal problems
I sent you an e-mail about a month ago, regarding my problems with my future wife and also problems between my parents… Continue reading
Asking about namaz with wahabi people
The area where I am working, it has only one mosque and that is of Wahabi people… Continue reading