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Tag Archives: Quran
Haq Mahr
Q:I am hoping your staff can help me understand a little bit more about the rulings on Haq Mehr. I am insha’Allah getting married in January and our families are now discussing how much the Haq Mehr should be. Continue reading
Tafsir Surat An-Najm.
I would like to ask about a brief summary (tafsir) of Surat An-Najm. I read the english translation and Masha’Allah, it was so beautiful.. Continue reading
Posted in Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Quran, translation
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Dream: QuraanRêve : Coran
Dreamt in ramadaan that 1 elderly man from the local masjid passed away reading quraan just before fajr salaah and I was called to his home to see him. [fr]J’ai rêvé pendant le mois de ramadan qu’un homme âgé, de la mosquée locale,[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: a Warrior
I was listening to Sheikh Kabbani speak in Arabic. It was a spirited talk. I usually listen to Arabic Lectures or Quran recitations when I go to sleep so I get used to the sound of the language. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `ilm al-Quran, Arabic, armor, download, ego, gold inlay, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, nafs, Quran, secrets, spiritual enemies, spiritual forces, warrior
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Dream: sayyadina Ibrahim (as) and black beastSayyidini Ibrahim (as) et une bête noire
i see sayyadina Ibrahim (as) transfering a light from Qur’an to my Heart n later, same night i see a dark black colored humanly shaped beast attacks my family…[fr]Dans mon rêve, je vois Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) qui transfère une lumière du Coran dans mon Coeur, et après, la même nuit,…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged dark beast, evil, fight, kill black magic, Quran, sihr
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Sayyidini Ibrahim (as) et une bête noire
To recite or not during menstruation
Alhamdulilah I’m converted. For many years I have recited Quranic short verses during the day while driving, before going to sleep, part of my Dzkir,while cooking etc. Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Qur'an & Tafsir, Women's Issues
Tagged dhikr, menses, Quran, recitation, salawat, women
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About Aliens and Divine Name Ya LateefuA propos des extraterrestres et du nom Divin Ya Latif
About Aliens, I have a neighbor who lives talking of aliens and I wonder if this can be compatible with the Aqeedah of a Muslim.[fr]Ma question est à propos des extraterrestres…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged `aqidah, aliens, Allah's Beautiful Names and Attributes, belief, creation, creations, human beings, neighbor, Quran, Sunnah
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A propos des extraterrestres et du nom Divin Ya Latif
Recitation of Quran, dhikr, salawat in menses
When a woman has her monthly period, she cannot pray, read Qur’an or Delail ul-Khayrat, but should she still recite her daily awrad, which has Qur’an in it, as she does the rest of the month? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Women's Issues
Tagged dhikr, hold, memory, menses, mushaf, period, prohibition, Quran, read, recitation, salawat, touch
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Fana Fillah and Baqabillah
Kindly give me some information about these two stages. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Abu Yazid al-Bistami, al-Jalal, annihilation, arrows, baqa, complacency, divine attraction, divine love, Divine Might, Divine Omnipotence, Divine Oneness, egoism, enmity, envy, fana, foolish, gold, goodness, heart, holy books, humility, idol, Imam Ahmad, Imam Shafi`i, intimacy, livestock, Maqam at-Tawhid, Mercy Oceans, mushahadah, ostentation, powerlessness, Quran, renunciation, riya, Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Jilani, Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, self-aggranizement, self-improvement, servanthood, Shari`ah, Shayban ar-Rai, silver, spears, states, stations, subsistence, sword, uns, wealth, wisdom, zakat
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Darood during menses
Can a woman recites Durood Shareef during periods? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Women's Issues
Tagged adhkar, awrad, darood, dhikr, hafizh, menses, Quran, recitation, salawat, tasbih
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