Tag Archives: road
Dream: Istikharah for taking a tariqat
I got offer for tariqat and am confused to take it or not,… Continue reading
Dream: My wife??
A few years ago I dreamt of the woman I would marry; she kissed me and I felt an amazing, pure, spiritual feeling–… Continue reading
Dream: Dreams from Istikhara Prayer
First dream: It’s to do with watch that you wear on your wrist. In the dream, I’m finding for a lost watch and then find it in the fridge… Continue reading
Dream: Throwing rocks at us
I dreamed something was going on far down the road, I was in a fortress cage like… Continue reading
Dream: Driving on through broken road and obstacles?
Thank you for all very much your answers on my dreams and visions etc. I had a dream where I am in the car with my sister who is driving the car… Continue reading
Dream: Chances for Divorce
Jazakallah for giving me reply about matrimonial problems. Now I have set up my mind for separation from my husband… Continue reading
Mom’s dream
My mom had a dream about me. She dreamed that she and her deceased father were standing in front of two roads. Continue reading