Tag Archives: salat
bare minimum of a valid prayer (furud and wajibat)
could you tell me if possible the bare minimum (furud and wajibat) the prayer Continue reading
Salaahs not accepted when you drink alcohol?
I heard when you drink alcohol or consume drugs your ibaadah is not accepted for 40 days Continue reading
what is salaah. what is khushu khuzu.
I want to ask what is salaah. What is the purpose of doing it. Continue reading
Madh, Tasliyah
I’m doing my Master’s thesis on Tasliyah. To begin with, what are the relations of Madih Nabawi and Tasliyah? Continue reading
Salaam Alaikum. How far is the husband responsible for his wifes prayers and wearing hijab? If the wife doesn’t pray, will the husband be questioned in the hereafter as to why he didn’t make her pray? Continue reading
Jama’at in Non-Islamic States
What is the ruling on praying with Jama’at in the Masjid in non-Islamic states? Is it still Wajib or is it excusable? Continue reading
Namaz Etiquette
What is the purpose of moving finger during tashahud & does this action belong to any fiqh? Continue reading
Salah on a bike
Until recently I would often pray nafil and Sunnah rakats while riding a bike. Recently someone questioned it and I have felt doubt since… Continue reading
Praying behind a Wahabi revisited
I came across a query on eShaykh which specifically lists that the Wahabi Imam disrespects the Prophet (s) but he has been redirected to another question which states that it is allowed. Continue reading
When reading Isha you read 4 sunnat and you have to move for whatever reason is it allowed to get up… Continue reading