Tag Archives: salawat

Dream: Prophet Muhammad (s) in bedroom

Hi I would like to know what is the meaning of seeing Prophet Muhammad die in a bedroom all of a sudden… Continue reading

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Dream: Muharram dream

I was in Iraq with my parents and brother. We were outside one of the holy mosques. It was sandy… Continue reading

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Dream: Glass

After, I had a dream my mom and I saw cobra snake chasing rabbits at my childhood home… Continue reading

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Dream: Heard Prophet’s voice

I saw myself with my husband sitting in a lush green lawn and my kids are playing nearby (in reality we don’t have that kind of lawn and house)… Continue reading

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Dream: Reciting Shahaadat

The other night I had a dream I was on a green-like football field. I was reciting Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo… Continue reading

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Dream: disturbing and confusing dreams

1-Some time ago I watched that I was going towards an escalator and a dog was walking along with me. Meanwhile I saw a dog coming from the opposite side… Continue reading

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Salawat Tunjina

I need to overcome calamity, looking for job and have to my exam for Certification. I need your help! please advised me what I need to do… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Legal problems and Taqwa

My concern has to do with a legal issue that me and my mother are experiencing… Continue reading

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What to read for getting married soon

I would like to know what I should read to get married soon… Continue reading

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I don’t have such a big case of paranoia, unlike others who hear noises and voices… Continue reading

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