Tag Archives: sexual relations
Can’t be intimate with wife
Due to surgery my wife private part has become very short. It is very painful for her to be intimate. Continue reading
Husband not wanting sex
Me and my husband have been married for several years, at the beginning of our relationship we used to have a lot of sex and were very intimate. However in the last year or so… Continue reading
When me and my wife have physical relations in bed at night, next day we change the bed-sheets however the blanket remains unchanged. The next night when I sleep on the bed with blanket I have feeling as if I am unclean… Continue reading
Sexual help
I have been married more then 2 years know I have massive problem. My wife will not sleep with me and we haven’t had sexual intercourse yet… Continue reading
Various Questions
To distinguish the time for Tahajjud salat we try to pray in the last 3rd of the night (I understand this), but to calculate this do we calculate the hours from Maghrib… Continue reading
Husband and wife intimacy during fasting
I am recently married and have a high sex drive. I would kindly like to know the hanafi fiqh ruling of these and if we are required to repeat any fasts… Continue reading
What should I do?What should i do?
I am pregnant and my husband is scared to have sex with me, but he watches porn on the Internet. What should I do, and how can I help him to stop? Continue reading
Difficulty Breaking the Hymen
I am a 30ish year-old petite Muslim lady who has recently gotten married. My husband is a Westerner in his fifties…. Continue reading
Elaborate on “dripping”
In this question, Mawlana says “Then after you finish going where you are going, you can renew your wudu. However, you have to be careful. If anything drips, then you know what you have to do”… Continue reading
Pleasure to Spouse
Is it permissible for a husband to satisfy his wife by caressing her vagina and putting fingers until she gets aroused? Continue reading