Tag Archives: supplication
Dream: Istikhara for Healing
I am suffering from an internal injury for which my mom did istikahra and the dream was she is praying at Kaaba… Continue reading
Acceptance of Du’a
I need to succeed in a very important task and I know Allah(swt) does miracles because he is the master… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Prayer for Found Treasure
Suppose a treasure was found and assume it is under a curse. Is there any pray that will release the curse and the treasure become blessed (barakah) again? Thank you. Continue reading
Prayer Request: New job
By the baraka of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham’s du`a I am starting a new job. Is there anything I should recite when I begin? Continue reading
Dream: Reciting salatul Fatihi in a masjid
I had a dream that I was in a masjid. After the prayer the imam wanted somebody… Continue reading
Dream: met a very tall man-wearing white robe
I dreamed that I met a very tall man wearing white robe standing on banks of river/sea… Continue reading
Dua Al Badri or Al badr?
I have a question in regards to something, what is Dua Al Badr or Al Badri? I heard someone speak of it… Continue reading