Tag Archives: Surat al-Fatiha
Dream: Ayatul Kursi and Surats 112-114
I was being followed by a black bird walking behind me. Continue reading
Facial Hair problem
I get thick hair on my face which looks too bad. Please Maulana, help me to get rid of it. Continue reading
Mistakes during salaat
1) During salaat-ul-tasbih I forget to do tasbih at some stage. How do I rectify my mistake? Continue reading
Dream: learning something with the value of seven
Before Salatul Fedjr dreamed Rufaiskog Tarikati Sheikh Mustafa Sheikh, which has words of praise for our Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. Continue reading
Dream: Offering Nafil Prayers
I saw that I was reciting Surat-ul-Fatiha with English Translation and then I saw that I am in a mosque doing Wud’u. Continue reading
Backbiting and Gossip
In today’s world and especially in our workplaces everyone is always talking about each, mostly negatively. Continue reading
Dream: about my job
Mawlana, I’m having dreams about my job, with people of my job fighting with me, work colleagues, having enough nightmares, I wonder why this happens to me? the means that these dreams? Continue reading
Prayer Request: Complication in Pregnancy
I visited Mawlana Shaikh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani (qs) January 2010 for the second time to receive permission to marry and with Mawlana’s permission I married on July 2010, Continue reading
Q: Please can you give me a dua to help me to control my nafs and anger. I feel angry alot lately and over very minute things which is causing a strain on my relationship with my husband. I was never like this before. Continue reading