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Tag Archives: time
Istikhara Request : To Find a Job or Set Up Small Business
My name is ([private]) from Jakarta,Indonesia. Recently I just quit my job coz I want to have more time for my family n for worship. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Requesting dua from Shaikh Nazim and Shaykh Hisham
I have lost hope in my marriage and lost trust in my husband. I have given a lot of sacrifices but now I’m very insecure… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged arguments, children, divorce, hajj, hiding, hope in Allah, husband, insecure, money, Pakistan, postpone decision, satisfaction, speak, time
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Statistics on As Sawad al Azam?
Obviously the 2 most prominent, largest contemporary Muslim groups struggling for & laying claim to the title of sawad al azam… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged ahl at-Tariqah, census, centuries, claim, computed, empirical proof, independent statistics, largest, majority, Muslim sect, people of Tariqah, population, reliable, Salafi, sawad al-a`zham, tariqa, time, Wahabi
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Prayer Request: Need help for improvement
I have a problem, whenever I want to wake up for fajr, I end up sleeping late for no reason… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged 2 raka`ats, bad habits, depressed, distracted, fajr time, goal, loveliest, lovely, missed prayers, oversleep, revive, salat al-Fajr, self-improvement, sleep, sleeping too much, time, too much sleep, wake-up, wudu, Ya Wadud
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Apostacy in Islam
I have been told that if you commit apostacy in Islam knowing or unknowingly your nikah beomes invalid and you have to renew it again… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged apostasy, belief, correct belief, disbelief, kufr, leave Islam, marriage, murtad, nikah, place, renew, renounce Islam, repent, seriousness, sit, sky, space, Throne, time, unbelief, valid, validity
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Dream: Timespan
I am a bit worried about some dreams due to my lack of knowledge. In dream I have been told about some timespan,.. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged big changes, brevity, faith, pious person, safety, shrinking time, speed, time, timespan, visa
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Thank you dear Shuyukh and staff from my heart
Please may I just thank you with deepest respects and from the bottom of my heart for the effort and time you put in to help suffering and ignorant people who contact eshaykh.com?… Continue reading
How to be at peace
Lately I noticed that whenever I focus on dunya matters, like doing well at work or going for higher degrees, I get into dunya mode and the heart presence disappears. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Allah's Pleasure, balance, company, dhikrullah, distractions, dunya matters, focus, heart presence, help, higher degrees, intentions, keep company, nearness to Allah, remembrance of Allah, sadaqa, sadaqah, schedule, sincere servants, strive, striving, struggle, Surat al-Kahf, time, worship, zakat
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