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Tag Archives: tree
Dream: Tree dream
I saw a dream last night in which the person I like gives me a tree and writes my name on it and he has another tree on which he writes his own name… Continue reading
Dream: My head in their lap
I have dreamt of an old man sitting on the bark remains of a cut down tree… Continue reading
Dream: My wife??
A few years ago I dreamt of the woman I would marry; she kissed me and I felt an amazing, pure, spiritual feeling–… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged certain, Divine consultation, hidden face, istikhara, kiss, love interest, night, Prophetic recipe, road, seeking marriage, spiritual sign, tree, villas, woman
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Dream: Attacked by a giant beef
I saw me in a dream in the house of my parents (in a foreign country), in the garden… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged beef, chase, destroy, ego, garden, old man, parents' house, protection, running, shaykh, spear, table, target, tree
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Dream: JINN mureed
I had a dream that there was this jungle in France and the biggest tree there had Quran verses… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged biggest, carved, Cyprus, deceased, decorations, dhikr, dhikrullah, died, father, France, jinn, jungle, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mureed, murid, passed away, Quranic verses, Shahada, shaykh, son, spiritual guidance, tree
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Dream: Tree and roses
I saw the dream during the day. I was in a house and looking out the window. There was a tree and right below the tree… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged birthday of Prophet (s), brother, cousin, daytime, decorate, female, flowers, ground, guardian, hanging, honor, house, little girl, looking, love, magnify, man, Milad an-Nabi, niqabs, nobility, pick, pink, prestige, promote, Prophet Muhammad (s), roses, stick, teenager, tree, wali, white, window, wish, young
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Dream: Snake Dream
Was walking at night it was cold. I find a very long thick black snake moving next to me over the pavement… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged black, climb, feces, halal income, haram rizq, harmful, night, pavement, snake, tree, walking
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Dream: Car Crash
Me, my mum and my sister were in a car in the evening driving to a wedding. My mum was driving… Continue reading
Dream: About 7Rêve: le chiffre 7
I am in a place where there are many old trees. I’m standing near the most high and oldest of the trees.[fr]Je suis dans un endroit ou il y a plusieurs vieux arbres. Je me tiens debout près de l’arbre le plus vieux et le plus haut…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, awliyaullah, class, cloth, exam, friends, high, love of Allah, old, Prophet Muhammad (s), pure deeds, pure words, souls, tariqah, teacher, tree, trees, whirl, whirling
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Rêve: le chiffre 7
Dream: Monstrous spider
I was doing dhikr and prayed for guidance from Allah (swt), asking him to show me the right way…. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged istikhara, spider, tree
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