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Tag Archives: unhappy
What must I do?
The pious woman I had been searching for is in a far away country and I don’t know how I’ll reach her. I have no money, and this dunya is crushing me more and more, even though I desire nothing except for a small home… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged be thankful, leave dunya, thankful, unhappy
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A Void
I feel a blankness and void in my life. How do I approach this and how important is tasawwuf in my life? I don’t seem to be… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged life problems, seeking tranquility, unhappy
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Dua for Spiritual help
My soul is never at rest. Whenever I pray, I hope it will come true only to have my dua not happen or the opposite happen. While I understand not all duas are answers, my soul … Continue reading
Can a Jinn perform sex with your wife?
I am married for 24 yrs, my marriage has not been one that I can be happy about. Many arguments have filled my marriage… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged 2 raka`ats, before sleep, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, couple, discuss, distress, dreams, du`a, forbidden, friendship, illusion, inspiration, intention, intercourse, jinn, love renewal, marriage, married, menses, mukhannath, night, nightmares, partnership, seeking divorce, sexual arousal, Shaytan, sons of jinn, tenderness, unhappy, wife, Ya Wadud
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Dream: Face transformed into Dajjal
In the dream I saw a known man and his wife sat in a room and I sat on the opposite side… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah, appearance, believer, brother, change, Dajjal, disgust, face, great person, husband, lower gaze, man, mirror, normal, one eye, room, self-reflection, target, transform, unhappy, wife
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About Baya
I had take bay-ah online with Grandsyaikh Muhammad Nazhim Al-Haqqani to participate the Naqshbandi Order. Unfortunately, I had make bay-ah before… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged achievement, baya`, daily awrad, disappointed, empty heart, internet baya`, local shaykh, lost, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Naqshbandi Tariqah, online baya`, previous Shaykh, unhappy, validity
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Prayer Request: Marriage and a happy family life
Life is very difficult for me and my family. Myself and two of my sisters are unmarried and have no children and we are all over 34. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Prayer Request
Tagged aggressive, alcohol, brother, children, disrespect, drinking, du`a, evil, harassment, pain, sisters, unhappy, unmarried, wicked
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Sad marriage
i have been housewife for 15-years, i do all the homework and cooking and i serve my husband. He does not do anything at home. He owns a restaurant, has lot of bills to pay and is very stressed. Continue reading