Tag Archives: appearance
Correct Protocol for Sayyidina Mehdi (alayhi salam)
Out of reverence to the Grandmasters of the Naqshbandi-Haqqani Tariqah, and especially to our beloved Master, Sultanul Awliya Mawlana Sheikh Nazim,… Continue reading
Dream: Building a home for Mahdi (aw)
I had a dream which began with me being in a crowd of people protesting, some looked normal others looked like ravaging zombies… Continue reading
Dream: From my chest
Long before I ever heard about spirituality, I went for Hajj. In Medina, I used to greet the Prohet(SAW) every morning and evening… Continue reading
Dream: stars
asselamu aleykum dear mevlana make dua for us. dear mevlana, i so lots of stars on the sky,all diffrent types and the were mouving like clouds. Continue reading
Visions in Zikrs
I have heard of visions of Awliya including Mowlana Shaykh Nazim & Grand Shaykh & many other shaykhs been appearing at Zikr sessions. Continue reading
Dream: Mahdi (a)
I dreamed there is a huge crowd of people yelling, “Mahdi (a) is here!” Continue reading
Dream: Looking around for Isa (as) and Mahdi (as)
Q: I was waiting outside a building for Isa Aw. Then there was a body of water I crossed to reach a man. I sat facing him i leaned to see his face better. He took me on a ride & we put our arms around each other… Continue reading