Tag Archives: astaghfirullah
Blood Moons in Islam
As you might be aware about this http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/JOVtsY7mRc4/maxresdefault.jpg the blood moons that fall on jewish holidays and some say that they signify the end of times, something only Allah (swt) knows about, are there any significance to blood moons in Islam? Continue reading
Seeking advice re opening for marriage
I’m a female murid of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. I know a brother who is also a murid…. Continue reading
Astagfirullah, Shukrulillah
I Just Want to say Astagfirullah, for my lackness of adab to Mawlana Sheikh Hissham when he come to our country (Chile). Continue reading
Advice Requested Ya Shaykh!
Shortly after I took online bayat (which I hope is accepted), I fell into a major sin… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Protection
When I do something I feel like doing thrice because my mind whispers me if I… Continue reading
Alcohol Addiction
I am told I come from the lineage of the Prophet, alhumdulillah. I have recently taken bayyah online from the Sheikh – Alhumdulillah he has accepted it… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Difficulty
Ya Moulana I have had the pleasure of being with Moulana and yourself when I was only 14 and alhamdulilah I stayed in on jabel Qasiyun for a few years… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Legal problems and Taqwa
My concern has to do with a legal issue that me and my mother are experiencing… Continue reading