Tag Archives: believer
Difference Betwen Faith and Belief
In the sohba’s I see two titles, some says faith and another says belief, can you explain what is the main difference in both of these terms. I am unable to pick what is the correct translation for these two so I can understand clearly, also can you tell me if these two terms means aqeedah and iman… Continue reading
I heard the entire Adhan
I was sitting with my mom in her room and both of us heard the complete adhan in… Continue reading
True Dreams – FOA Shaykh Haddad
I’ve been having true dreams recently on a regular basis, been to a Shaykh for advice… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Humble Request for my affairs to become easier
I am recently undergoing a trial where I have been despondent and depressed but am now getting some sabr, but the trial continues and is not over… Continue reading
Dream: Face transformed into Dajjal
In the dream I saw a known man and his wife sat in a room and I sat on the opposite side… Continue reading
Dream: Safety and ilm
Many people were coming for something (not really sure). I welcomed everybody in… Continue reading
3 questions
1-What is meant by “believer”? Does it mean anybody who says shahaadah?… Continue reading
During Cupping Hakim saw devil and Snake shapes
Hope this email find you in good health and spirit. My husband had cupping treatment yesterday from hakeem… Continue reading
Prayer Request: I am stuck
Since many years now I am stuck in the USA, no job and no diploma. The teachers who are correcting my thesis are taking forever for no reason… Continue reading