Tag Archives: chain
Rainwater Hadith Forgery
Kindly advise on the authenticity of article regarding rainwater shifaa. Continue reading
Dream: Woman got burn.
Someone had a dream that he saw the woman he love is tied with chain, burning with fire on desert like having azaab from God… Continue reading
What is dua nudba?
What is the Ahle-sunnah view/ruling regarding the “dua nudba”?… Continue reading
Dream: Snake biting
I’m an English converted Muslim and I’m writing my husband’s dream. Continue reading
Can `Aqida be based on single-narrator narrations (ahad hadith)
Q: Can one take into its Aqeedah narrations from ahad hadith? Continue reading
Dream: Chain of Bracelets
I had a similar dream before regarding a package from Hajjah Naziha.. I have recently had a similar dream… were I wake up in the morning recieved post .. a very small pakage saying my name on it from Hajjah Naziha.. wen I open it.. again I find a chain of bracelets… Continue reading
Sayyidina al-Hasan’s Many Marriages
Question: I would like to ask regarding differing with Mawlana Shaykh (qs) on non-usooli (non-essential) issues. The issue in question is regarding the supposed many marriages and divorces of Sayyidina Imam Hasan (as). I’ve been fascinated by this topic for … Continue reading