Tag Archives: child
Concealing the truth from children
One of my children is a fussy eater so I put vegetables in his food without him knowing… Continue reading
Question about my past
I got married to my girlfriend. I wanted to marry her anyway, but there was more of a reason to marry her at the time, as she was pregnant with our first child… Continue reading
Dream: At Shaykh Nazim’s house
I am in some house with Shaykh Nazim (possibly his in Cyprus). He gives a sohba and afterwards has everyone make bayat… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Pray for c-section
I am requesting you to please pray for my sister — doctors will perform a c-section on her tomorrow night, insha’Allah… Continue reading
Dream: A comment by HajjahRêve: Un commentaire de Hajjah
In my dream I saw Hajjah Amina (HZ) and Hajjah Naziha together talking to me smiling…[fr]Dans mon rêve, j’ai vu Hajjah Amina (HZ) et Hajjah Naziha ensemble en train de me parler en souriant…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Baby name
I had a very vivid short dream of seeing my (yet unborn) child at barely-speaking-age, it is ordered to say its name, it says “Kaleef, Kaleef, Kaleef”. Continue reading
Illegitimate child
I am a huge sinner. My husband and I had a child through illegitimate ways (zina). [fr]I am a huge sinner. My husband and I had a child through illegitimate ways (zina). [/fr] Continue reading
Dream: a golden rope
I made istikhara if I could marry a sister which I dream before that Hajja Anna rahmatAllah said to me in dreams to marry. Continue reading