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Tag Archives: crying
Dream: Before Asr Prayer
I saw two connected rooms with large beds . I was next to one of those beds… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged associations, beautiful, beds, big opening, clothes, crying, door, enter, girl, Grandshaykh Abdullah ad-Daghestani, grey, improve, lay down, love to Shaykhs, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mureed, murid, provision, right arm, rooms, sohba, spiritual connection, strengthen, suhba, suhbat, support, turban, weak, white scarf
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Dream: The Prophet Musa Alayhi salaam
I dreamt that a woman was receiving revelation from Allah subhana watala which made her cry… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged baby, crying, direct, fail, fear, fold, happiness, innovative ideas, project, Prophet Moses, revelation, river, Sayyidina Musa, secret, secretive, successful, tears, water, white cloth, woman
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Dream: Number 39
I remember a little part of the dream…I was crying secretly in the room so that nobody see me… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged business, crying, family members, halal money, happy, Islamic, needy, numbers, relatives, secret, spend
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Dream: Imam Mahdi’s Adhan
I heard Sayyiduna Mahdi’s adhaan from my house, I was lying on my bed at the time, I did not see Sayyiduna Mahdi in the dream… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adhan, announce, bed, connection, crying, desolate, destruction, disappeared, green dome, house, Imam Mahdi, masjid an-Nabawi, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, praise, Shaykh Yaqoubi, vanished
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Separation in 2 months
I’m having a lot of problems in my life. There is a boy, we love each other for 2 years… Continue reading →
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged crying, difficulties, Dubai, hasbunallah Rabbunallah, love interest, permanent job, separation, visa problems, ya Razzaq
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Dream: Prophet Muhammad PBUH and engagement
I recently got engaged with this man. After the engagement I had a dream that I am a man.. Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bleeding, companions, crying, disapproval, engaged, engagement, gender, honor, pain, parental approval, Prophet Muhammad (s), reassurance, rizq, Sahaba, salawat, siblings, wife, worry
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Eternal Punishment of Iblis
Please inform me what the exact eternal punishment of Iblis is as found in hadith literature… Continue reading →
Posted in Hadith
Tagged angels, Ansar, Archangel Gabriel, crying, eternal punishment, fire, garment, guarantee, hadith, Hellfire, iblis, literature, progeny, protected, protection, punishment, Sayyidina Jibril, self-account, self-destruction, Shaytan, shaytans, test, ummah, weep, weeping, wept
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Dream: Want to Marry Prophet (s)
I saw a dream that I was hosting a religious person at a farm, and the day He(a.s) was to leave,… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, Arabic, belief, consummated, crying, Dallas, definition, emulate, extreme suffering, faith, heavenly model, jealous, jealousy, love, marriage, paradise, perfected believers, Pharoah, Prophet Muhammad (s), Sahaba, Sayyida `Ayesha, Sayyida Asiyah, Sayyida Maryam, Sayyidina Salman al-Farsi, womanhood
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Dream: Mawlana and milk
I dreamed I was with sisters and Sultan was greeting us. He came to me and fed me from a milk bottle for a while… [fr]I dreamed I was with sisters and Sultan was greeting us. He came to me and fed me from a milk bottle for a while. [/fr] Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged body, burdens, crying, Divine Wisdom, dunya, fed, feeding, fingers, hand, head, kiss hand, left hand, lovers of Prophet (s), Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, milk, milk bottle, negative feelings, personal life, right hand, sister, sohba, sohbet, suhbat, sultan, sweet, taste, tingling, understand, white tower, winding stairs, wisdom
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Dream: Khana Kaba
last year during the hajj days I have seen this dream that I am in the front of khana kaba and suddenly the door of khana kaba is opened… Continue reading →