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Tag Archives: dates
Dream: mango tree out of my home
Assalamualaikum Shaikh, I saw in my dream that there is a mango tree out of my home. I can see many (pakka) mangoes on the tree. Continue reading
Breaking Fast
I just wanted to ask Shaykh, would it be ok if I break my fast daily with water mixed with some honey as I cannot eat dates. Continue reading
Dream: Bugs, Dates and a baby
I had a dream in which I was struggling to remove bugs (there were quite a bit) with a vacuum cleaner… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged baby, bugs, cousin, dates, joy, playground, remove, rizq, sad, sadness, vacuum cleaner, worries
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Dream: Black creature like dog trying to attack me
I was in my house in the living room and through the glass doors I could see that outside… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged abuse, attack, baby, black creature, dates, disgusted, dog, ego, father, feet, fingers, glass doors, growling, hadith, hurt, invisible, living room, mouth, murshid, prevent, Prophet Muhammad (s), protect, rabbit, saliva, scary, spiritual beings, spiritual reality, wildness
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Dream: Shaykh Hisham and my children
1.In a gathering Sh.Hisham was screaming to my 10 year old daughter.
Later I was with Sh. Hisham in a small humble car. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged aunt, car, carry burdens, children, cleansing, dates, daughter, dead, debts, deceased, died, driving, family, father, friendly, humble, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, nur, pair, plants, salawat, smoking, son, spiritual cleansing, suicide, tambourine, working
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Dream: Somalia
My husband had a dream that Sheik Nazim kissed his feet. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, Ahl Habash, dates, du`a for rain, hijrah, kiss feet, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, rain, Sahaba, soul, Sunnah, water
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Eid al-Adha and Moon-Sighting
Q: Every year at times of Eid (Fitr and Adha), there is dispute regarding when it is. Many who are ahlusunnah wal jamaah sight the hadith about starting the month with sighting of the moon. [fr]Q: Every year at times of Eid (Fitr and Adha), there is dispute regarding when it is. Many who are ahlusunnah wal jamaah sight the hadith about starting the month with sighting of the moon. [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Hajj, `Umrah & Ziyarah
Tagged celebrate, central authority, community, dates, Dhul-Hijjah, Eid, fitna, Hijaz, hilal, Mecca, month, moon, moon-sighting, mufti
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