Tag Archives: family
Dream: Our new born baby speaking in my wife’s dream
We do not have any children yet as we are recently married, but about 4 months ago my wife dreamed we had a baby boy. Continue reading
Dream: A comment by HajjahRêve: Un commentaire de Hajjah
In my dream I saw Hajjah Amina (HZ) and Hajjah Naziha together talking to me smiling…[fr]Dans mon rêve, j’ai vu Hajjah Amina (HZ) et Hajjah Naziha ensemble en train de me parler en souriant…[/fr] Continue reading
Prayer Request: For a blissful family lifePrayer Request for a blissful family life
Shaykh, please make doa for my husband and I to have a peaceful and blissful married & family life… Continue reading
Prayer Request: dua to make him melt and wife to recover
Please make dua for my brother-in-law. He’s a very stubborn, strict, demanding person who is holding his wife from seeing her family for the last 15 years. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Exams and UniversityExams and University
I have been giving my A level exams and have one tomorrow as well. Please pray that I am successful in them… Continue reading
upcoming Azab Pakistan!!!!!
my family members are in a hurry and panic as if they are preparing to go somewhere or as something bad has happened or is about to happen (i know the more precise date but i am not mentioning it here). Continue reading
Prayer Request: OCD and Cure
My mother has been suffering from a mental condition ever since her adolescence. Her obsession with maintaining order, organization and cleanliness dictates her entire life and often they take priority over her health, family or work. Continue reading