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Tag Archives: invocation
What happens to duas aren’t accepted?
I was told that dua can change destiny but mine didn’t. Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Belief & Doctrine, Prayer Request
Tagged ablution, adab of du`a, conditions of du`a, invocation, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, praise of Allah, purity, qiblah, salawat, supplication
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Adab of sleeping
In a latest Suhbah, MAWLANA SHAYKH HISHAM QS gave a Wird to recite before sleeping. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged accepted prayer, du`a mustajab, General Wazifa for Problems and Illness, Grandshaykh's general prescription for all problems, invocation
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Giving bad advice on purpose; Nagging in dua
I heard that Allah loves dua and he wants us to make new ones everyday. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged consistency, du`a, ilhaa, invocation, persistence, prayer, request, seeking from Allah, supplication, talab
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Can you change your destiny through prayer?
Can you change your fate through prayer? For instance, a man that I have loved for years. Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged acceptance of dua, conditions for an accepted prayer, conditions of du`a, destiny, Divine Decree, fate, invocation, Preserved Tablets, qadr, sadaqa, tawassul
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Raising Hands in Du`a and Wiping Face after Du`a
Many Salafis object to raising hands in du`a after Salat. Is this correct?
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Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged bida`, blameworthy innovation, deviant sect, invocation
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Making Dhikr in Circles
What is the ruling of gathering in circles to make invocations (dhikr)? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged dhikrullah, du`a, invocation, loud dhikr, remembrance of Allah
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Dream: Mother
Soon my mother is going to go for a health check up and I was a bit concerned about her. I got a dream a few days later that I saw a pastel green bus coming towards her and it felt like she got hit… Continue reading
Dream: Nabi Mohammed (s)
In my dream I was travelling with a small group of people in a desert. Nabi(S.A.W) was part of the group. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged dreaming of the Prophet (s), du`a, good tidings, invocation, Prayers, seven difficulties, supplication
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Etiquette of Rajab
As a very low beginner, I find it difficult to finish the ettiquette of Rajab. In two hours I am not even close to half done, and given the shortness of nights in Europe, I have run out of time. So should I do as much as I can in the night… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged daily devotions, du`a of the Saint of Rajab, Etiquette of Rajab, invocation, night vigil
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Praying for love interest
Yesterday I read somewhere that praying to marry a particular person is totally haraam in Islam… Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged choosing a partner, confused murid, du`a, du`a of Sayyidina Dawud, invocation, istikhara prayer, love interest, magic, marriage prospect, shirk, sihr
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