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Tag Archives: istikhara
Dream: Moulana Sheikh Nazim Al Haqqani
offered two rakat salat Istikhara for seven days with an intention to be guided by ALLAH Ta’ala regarding bayt with Moulana Sheikh Nazim. I had couple of dreams. First i saw myself sitting with Moulana Sheikh Nazim in car, he was driving car. we passed by tomb of Sheikh Sayyid Ali Hajveri RA and Moulana Sheikh Nazim said “assalamo alaikum ya Wali Allah”. In the second dream i saw the PROPHET Sallallaho Alaihi wasallam. He was laid down with green turban on. It came in my mind as if it was PROPHET’s Sallallaho Alaihi wasallam funeral. I picked up the PROPHET’s Sallallaho Alaihi wasallam blessed body to take it to Grave yard. I would have had made the bai’at but got a bit confused after the second dream. Please help me with this. GOD bless you! (Aameen). (It is a request to kindly remember me in your prayers). salaam! Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged answer, baya`, die before death, fana fi 'r-rasul, Hazrat Data Ghanj Baksh, initiation, istikhara, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Prophet Muhammad (s), Sayyidina `Ali al-Hujwiri, Sunnah
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Prayer Request: isthikara
My brother is studying to be a doctor. He has been seeing a white girl which my parents dont approve of, please do isthikara for him. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged disapproval, doctor, how-to, istikhara, parents, white girl
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Guidance: There are different factors that are pulling me in different directions. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Prayer Request
Tagged guidance, istikhara, marriage, prayer
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Dream: Istikara dreamRêve: Rêve de Istikara
A while back I did estikara prayer to see if moving to another country was a good idea.I dreamt I was taking off on a aeroplane to my destination where I wanted to live,all of a sudden the plane went down slowly,I thought it was going to crash but it was,it softly and slowly lowered itself…[fr]Il y a quelque temps, j’ai fait la prière de estikara pour savoir si déménager dans un autre pays était une bonne idée…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ayat, country, emigrate, good offspring, istikhara, plane, Quran, security, Surat al-Ikhlas, verses
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Rêve: Rêve de Istikara
Dream: Istekhara For bayyahRêve: Istekhara pour bayyah
i saw that i am in class with my friend which used to sit with me and a teacher is there having stick in hand.[fr]J’ai vu que je suis en classe avec mon ami(e) qui avait l’habitude de s’asseoir avec moi et un maître est là avec un bâton dans ses mains.[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged baya`, discipline, dunya, initiation, istikhara, Shay, tarbiyyah
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Rêve: Istekhara pour bayyah
Prayer Request: Isthikhara for marriage
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, Recently I have sent hadiya and a personal letter to you and have received confirmation that you have received them both, Alhamdulillah… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged istikhara, marriage, Rabi` al-Awwal
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Prayer Request: Istikhara for marriage of my sisterrequest for istikhara
I had previously requested you to pray for my divorced sister’s second marriage. My mother has found a boy for her Alhamdulillah. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Prayer Request
Tagged divorced, good match, istikhara, marriage proposal, mother, second marriage, sister, suitor
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request for istikhara
Dream: Green grassRêve: Herbe verte
I was in my old school. I was with the guy I want to marry.[fr]J’étais dans mon ancienne école. J’étais avec l’homme que je voulais épouser…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angry, conversation, families, family, father, field, football, football match, front room, grass, green grass, home, house, istikhara, istikhara prayer, marriage, marry, mother, openings, positive, positive signs, school, seeking marriage, shade, shining, signs, sun, uncle, warm
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Rêve: Herbe verte