Tag Archives: madhahib
Halal food in China
I live in Shanghai, China. It has become harder to buy halal meat. Can I buy regular meat, if halal meat is unavailable?
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73 Groups, Only One Will be in Paradise
I am new in Islam, and have read that at the end of the age the Muslimeen will be parted into 73 groups and only one will be in Paradise… Continue reading
Salat Differences
Looking at the differences in salat is interesting yet confusing. Some say the movements for men and women are slightly different, others say they are exactly the same…. Continue reading
Takbeer during salat
A friend asked me as we follow the sunnah of our beloved pbuh, why do we not raise our hands… Continue reading
Reading Quran without tahaarat
Can a person who is in need of ghusl touch Holy Quran without ghusl ?… Continue reading
Rape case
What are the four schools of thoughts views on rape cases, especially that a female needs four male witnesses to prove a case… Continue reading
I would like to ask about the status of horn according to the different madzhabs, especially according to the Shafi’i school… Continue reading