Tag Archives: mother
Newborn child
I’m seeking advice regarding a newborn baby. Inshallah my wife is expecting our first son in about 1 months time and i’m asking what should one know/practise once the baby is born.e.g like doing azaan,cutting hair..etc Continue reading
Everytime I am with my mother and she hears me whistling she yells at me to stop and tells me it attracts the shayateen. Continue reading
Dream: Snakes & Peacocks & Charity
I dreamt im at my friends , which has a secret tunnel, i ‘m trying to find it but my friend prevents me. i am walking on the road and see people walking with peacock on a leash, 2 times i saw this, the second time the peacok tried to bite me Continue reading
Dream: buffalo
In her dream she walked out of our family home and saw a big black buffalo walking in front of her. Continue reading
Prayer Request: for my mother
Please can you pray for my mother she has some type of infection, she is very scared and upset because my grandmother also had the same problem and passed away. So please pray for my mother. Continue reading
Prayer Request: About a marriage proposal
In my real life after one month a young person came to see me as a proposal. He gave hopes to marry me. Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Mawlana with my family
I had a dream about Sheikh Nazim (I’m not his mureed). I went to Sheikh with my mother, 2 brothers (who are mureeds of Sheikh Nazim), sister-in-law and her daughter. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Mum to come to tariqa
please could Shaykh Hisham pray for my mum to become a follower of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. I have been following Mawlana secretly for 4 years now due to family having wahabi views. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Ailing mother
My mother is very ill – she has kidney problems, hypertension, weak heart, and a few other old age illnesses. But she’s always in high spirits. Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, my mother and sister
I had a dream where I was in my mother’s home. My older sister comes down with her daughter (currently she is not married nor does she have children). Continue reading