Tag Archives: mother
Dream: Known young man (I call him Z*** )
I was in a hall & there was a religious gathering going on. I was sitting at a small table with my younger brother… Continue reading
Dream: Big Bubbles from the sky
Had a dream a while back, me in my old house looking outside my dad and mum’s window towards the left… Continue reading
Dream: Mother at the terrace
My mother saw herself tired and feel like she wanted to sleep. She was in the terrace/… Continue reading
Dream: Known young man appearing in several dreams
1 I walk over to this known young man (I’ll name him Z) & we make eye contact, his eye had an appealing sparkle… Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana sleeping in my house
I had a dream of Sheikh Nazim Saib that he is in my house and in my room. I feel happy in my dream because I think that as he stepped and… Continue reading
Dream: Kiss and Sayyidah Nafisah(ra)
1- I was dreaming, I have lots of ahlbayt(as) kitaab beside me under a cloth.(get to know its ahlbayt kitaab when I open the cloth)… Continue reading
Dream: 2 Dreams That I really Love.
1) I saw in a dream that there is an earthquake about to happen and everyone is fearing. My mother was worried,… Continue reading
Dream: Huge nose
I dreamt my nose was huge and I was exhaling hairpins and hair clips out and lot of sweetcorn… Continue reading
Dream: Waterfall
My mother dreamt she was with her friend Maryam near a waterfall, and me and my brothers of the dergah were behind them… Continue reading
Prayer Request: My mother is ill
I would like to ask dua’s for my mother to get sheefa…. Continue reading