Tag Archives: obligations
bare minimum of a valid prayer (furud and wajibat)
could you tell me if possible the bare minimum (furud and wajibat) the prayer Continue reading
About lost salat
I have started to repent on my past activities in this Ramadan, I have been avoiding salat a lot now I have a bad feeling … Continue reading
Fiqh of Naqshbandis
I am new to the Naqshbandi ways, is it ok to practice Shaf’i fiqh or is there another way… Continue reading
Need contentment in the heart
Please pray for me. I am trying to get a better job, but I am having a lot of difficulty finding a job. In my present job, I am unable to perform Faraaidh and Ibadah regularly. [fr]Please pray for me. I am trying to get a better job, but I am having a lot of difficulty finding a job. In my present job, I am unable to perform Faraaidh and Ibadah regularly. [/fr] Continue reading
Regarding Hajj
My question is regarding Hajj & Umrah I know a person who is financially able to perform Hajj should perform Hajj as it is one of the pillars of Islam but… Continue reading
Mazhab and Prayers
1) I live in a country where majority are Shafi’e Mazhab.However, after marriage I made intention to switch to Hanafi… Continue reading
Sinking islands
We heard from Maulana that there will be some countries or islands which will sink partially or completely, e.g: Mauritius island, Cyprus and others. [fr]We heard from Maulana that there will be some countries or islands which will sink partially or completely, e.g: Mauritius island, Cyprus and others. [/fr] Continue reading
Covering aurah
I know that in Islam, women who reach baligh, need to cover their aurah from non-mahram except for their mahram… Continue reading