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Tag Archives: perfume
perfume on a Friday during Ramadan
… going to mosque to Friday prayer in Ramadan …is recommended having perfume on Friday prayer? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Siyam - Fasting
Tagged `itr, disliked action, makruh, perfume, ramadan, Shafi`i School
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In a dream: I was in a kitchen, standing by the serving hatch. It was dark in the kitchen. I was wearing black with a white scarf. Shaykh Hisham was sitting on my right, wearing black with a white turban, he was smiling and nodded at me. He had given me some (rose?) perfume and my job was to put in on people who were outside the kitchen. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ascetic, following instructions, footsteps of Mawlana, gnostic, Naqshbandi Sufi Way, perfume, serving shaykh, spiritual knowledge
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Women allowed to wear perfume?
Question: I would like to know if women are allowed to wear any kind of perfume perfume (musk or attar or even alcoholic perfume) to zikr? Also, I’ve heard of the hadith where it says that a woman who wears … Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged `attar, attraction, halal or haram, Muslim women, perfume, provocation, Shari`ah, sin
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Prayer Request: Theory Test
I am gonna be taking my theory and driving test. Is there anything that I can read to pass both of the test… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged al-Jawharat al-Kaamil, cleaning the heart, connection to Prophet (s) spiritual sustenance, du`a Jewel of Perfection, du`a Salawat Nuraniyya, Greatness of Salatwat on Prophet (s) Series, Greatness of the Prophet (s), Light of Prophet (s), love to Prophet (s), perfume, presence of Prophet Muhammad (s), Salawat Badawi Kubra, Shaykh Ahmed al-Badawi, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, spiritual openings, sufilive.com
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Hadith on Women in Paradise
Is there an authentic hadith that says: “I entered Paradise and found that the majority of its inhabitants were women.”? Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged an-nisa, at-teeb, backbiting, broken-hearted, fitna, maqsureen al-jannah, paradise, perfume, prayer, respect to women, ummah, women
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Dream: i have 2 dream.one prophit isa.(as) two fighting with wolf
first dream was i got news that our prophet Isa is coming down from heaven i when there to meet him.i saw he was coming down with a light
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Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, fighting animals, kiss, perfume, Sayyidina `Isa
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Dream: Shaykh Hisham at the grave of RasoolAllah(saw)
I had a dream in which I was at the grave of the Holy Prophet(saw) and present were Shaykh Hisham and other mashaikh… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged abilities, beneficial, characteristics, clearing dust, Dala'il al-Khayrat, darood, faculties, grave of Prophet Muhammad (s), group, heart, improvement, lead, maqam, mashaykh, masjid an-Nabawi, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, organs, ornamenting, path of servanthood, perfume, Prophet Muhammad (s), Rawdah, Rawdat ash-Sharifa, real being, recitation, representative, safety, salams, salawat, sandalwood, seekers of realities, servanthood, sign, specialties, tomb, within
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Is it true that Henna is the dearest plant to Allah? and does it also attract good luck when put on?… Continue reading
Alcohol in Soft drinks and perfumes
Soft drinks contain a small % of Alcohol for it’s preservation… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged alcohol, change, chemical analysis, chemicals, common understanding, consumption, detectable, drinking, fermentation, fruit juices, halal, haram, non-alcoholic, perfume, preservatives, smell, soft drinks, synthetic alcohol, taste
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