Tag Archives: permissibility
Potential Suitor Viewing `Awrah of non-mahram
I’ve been introduced to a potential suitor who has suggested that he is finding it difficult to make an assessment of my appearance. Continue reading
Is it allowed to inject insulin before breakfast some minute? Continue reading
Is video making haram? Can we make video of olema to spread Islamic knowledge and faith?
1]. Is video making haram? Can we make video of olema to spread Islamic knowledge and faith?
2]. Which type of tasweer are haram? Is in computer and mobile phone on wallpaper and other images of living thing in memory are haram? Continue reading
Menikah di bulan Muharram (Getting married in the month of Muharram)
Assalamu’alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokatuh…Dalam adat jawa bulan muharram bukanlah bulan yang baik untuk melangsungkan aqad nikah. pertanyaannya bagaimana kita menyikapi hal itu? Continue reading
Using Muslim jin to fight witchcraftusing muslim jin to fight witchcraft
I have read some where which said al-Imam Shafie said its “be necessary to or in my language harus” to use the service of Muslim jins to fight witchcraft. While other mazhab didn’t put it “be necessary to”. I want to know the authentication of this fatwa. Continue reading
Mortgage and Income
1. Is it permissable in Islam for one to work for a secular bank (where riba is common) as an accountant.
2. If one has a riba based mortgage, what should one do, change to a Islamic Mortgage even if they are not totally 100 shariah compliant? Or sell the house and live on rental property until one has cash to buy? Continue reading
Reciting Sura al-Fatiha while menstruating
Assalamu Alaikum. I’m a newly convert to Islam and wanted to find out more about the worshipping practises for women while having menstruation. Continue reading