Tag Archives: protection
Prayer Request: marriage and protection of father
Q: I want to marry a girl but my parents do not agree.I really love her and want to be with her. I am requesting you ya Sayyidi (q) please for Allah’s sake make a dua’a for me that I get my love and my parents become agree to marry me with her. [fr]Q: I want to marry a girl but my parents do not agree.I really love her and want to be with her. I am requesting you ya Sayyidi (q) please for Allah’s sake make a dua’a for me that I get my love and my parents become agree to marry me with her. [/fr] Continue reading
about the arrival of Mahdi (as)
Q: salam aleikum, would you explain me more about the arrive of Mahdi(sws), what things are going to happen? Continue reading
Dream: Bull kills sheeps
I dreamed after Fajr that I went out of our house with my little sister and saw Sheikh Nazim. He told us to stay with him for a moment. Then he show us a shrub with white, luminous flowers on it… Continue reading
Prophet Mohammad(s) in my dream
Q: A green field with a lot of murids in it, some sheiks comes and start orderind the murids to get in line behind them, every sheyk wanted all the murids behind. I was in the field very confuseed without kwowing where to put. Continue reading
New Islamic year’s instructions
Question: as-salamu alaykum ya sayyidi. we love u very much and have no words to thank u for ur endless efforts and guidance.. my question is related to a recent email that we recieved about Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s instructions for … Continue reading
Black magic and nazar
For years my mother told us that we have black magic done to us all in the family by someone from my fathers side of family. She always was in the company of pious(syeds) people and in their service. [fr]For years my mother told us that we have black magic done to us all in the family by someone from my fathers side of family. She always was in the company of pious(syeds) people and in their service. [/fr] Continue reading
Protection of the Sunnah
Q: Allah SWT says in the Quran to the nearest meaning that he has protected the Quran. Does that mean also the Hadith/Sunnah? Continue reading
Fitna about Mowlana
there is a sister local to were I live who is trying to cause fithna… Continue reading
Dream: Kings funeral
I dreamt a while ago, that I was at a kings funeral with other people, Maulana Sheikh Nazim(Allah bless him) was there, my father a sister also, my father was explaining to me the reason why the king passed away because he had no one to protect him like in the way my sister was protecting me… Continue reading
Dream: go to castle
I go to big castle and much army here…they protect my self. i walk to level 3 and other people take me to the place of solat prayer…at the sajadah..I saw a knife be there Continue reading