Tag Archives: qadar
As Salaamu Alaikum. I would like to know can hasad (envy) change your Taqdeer? I know that it can cause physical illness, but can it change the Divine Decree of Allah in aspects like getting married, having children etc.? Continue reading
The person whom one is going to marry is pre decided by fate or we have the ability to chose ? Continue reading
Rizq vs Self Growth (actualization)
Can you please help explain the following scenario. One has a job, has earned respect and rizq in it and is doing well, however has learnt almost everything and is becoming complacent. There is an other position in the same company which may pay the same but will help to grow and learn more. Continue reading
I would like to ask about the concept of Naseeb, or that events in our… Continue reading
Dream: Fire
I dreamt that Maulana predicted that a fire will break out at this house flats (I’m staying in one of the house)… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Need Permission
I really love this guy. He promised to marry me but now he says we should take time apart for two years… Continue reading
3 questions
1-What is meant by “believer”? Does it mean anybody who says shahaadah?… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Legal problems and Taqwa
My concern has to do with a legal issue that me and my mother are experiencing… Continue reading
hadith about black flags
I have two confusions in my mind.
1-What is the interpretation of black flags in the hadith regarding Syedna Imam Madi A.S? Continue reading