Tag Archives: ramadan
Prayer Request: Nikah
I did Isthikarah with a positive sign and have Shaykh Hisham’s blessings for marriage Alhamdulilah… Continue reading
Lunar eclipse in Ramadhan
I read a book written by Dr. Tahir ul Qadri in which he mentioned that among the signs of appearance of Syedna Imam Muhammad al Mahdi Alaye hi Salam is the solar eclipse… Continue reading
Forgiveness and ready to surrender
If we are asking pleasures from Allah Almighty, I don’t know if I am pleasing him… Continue reading
Dream: istikhaarah
This dream occurred when I was in Makkah during Ramadan 2010. I prayed istikharah about my ex-fiancé (who wanted to get back to me again), and the dream was as follows:.. Continue reading
Dream: About Hadhrat Suleman R.A.A
I had a dream few years before in the month of Ramadan (before I pledged online Bayah with Sheikh Nazim Sahib)… Continue reading
Dream: lailatul qadr ?
in 2009-2010, I ever iktikaf in the month of ramadhan, and one morning at around 1-3 am I was dreaming that I would get sholat sunnah, I was shock because at the mosque there are many people with black clothes and green line color… Continue reading
Is he jinn or a wali?is he jin ? or awliya ?
I had a strange experience when I was 17. It happened 8 years ago in Ramadhan… Continue reading
Dream: QuraanRêve : Coran
Dreamt in ramadaan that 1 elderly man from the local masjid passed away reading quraan just before fajr salaah and I was called to his home to see him. [fr]J’ai rêvé pendant le mois de ramadan qu’un homme âgé, de la mosquée locale,[/fr] Continue reading
Prayer Request: for marriage
Mawlana, I had a friend who is a boy. After one year we fell in love. Continue reading
Missed fasts and prayers due to mental health
I reverted to Islam 14 years ago. I have difficulties to fast Ramadan and to pray. Continue reading