Tag Archives: relatives
How could I invite my family to Islam
I am a convert living in Damascus. My non-muslim relatives live in Germany. How can I invite them to Islam?… Continue reading
Dream: Chances for Divorce
Jazakallah for giving me reply about matrimonial problems. Now I have set up my mind for separation from my husband… Continue reading
Seeing the colour red when eyes are closed
Please can you tell me the meaning or reason of what it means if you see red light when closing eyes?… Continue reading
Dream: Feet of Shaykh Nazim
I had a dream about Shaykh Nazim, I was in the garage of my house and the Shaykh was with me,… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Please make dua for my mother
I am writing for my mother who is a very pious lady, but has been very ill for the past few years. We suspected sirrh so she asked someone for a wird to help. Continue reading
Dream: Wa maa adraka ma zilzalaha?
In my dream we are preparing for the convulsion of the earth. Continue reading
Dream: Mahdi a.s as a black figureRêve: Mahdi a.s. dans une forme noire
I am a 21 year old female and I saw a dream within a dream. I was on a balcony and there were many of these strange kinds of animals. [fr]J’étais sur un balcon et il y avait plusieurs de ces animaux étranges…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Travelling with Prophet PBUH
I dreamed that I met my Shaykh who passed away. He sat at the feet of a throne and asked me to sit at his own feet. Continue reading
Q.1.If a Muslim man killed a Muslim man ,what is the amount of “diyyat” Continue reading