Tag Archives: ruh
Dream: Second Monday of Dalailul Khairat
Two months before my mother passed away, I sent her a MP3 of Dalailul Khairat and a copy of The Chanting of the Mystic Heart. She used to listen to both of them. A month ago, in my dream, I heard someone reciting the second Monday of Dalailul Khairat. Continue reading
Dream: man taking my Ruh out in
I had a dream a couple of months ago it was fajr time whilst i had this dream. A man came into my dream wearing a long black coat and just walked towards me put his hand in front of my forehead and sweeped my Ruhu out and i could clearly see my Ruhu in His hands Continue reading
Dream: Freedom or Oppression?
Sometimes I am flying in space & the feeling is exhilarating. Continue reading
Dream: Offering Nafil Prayers
I saw that I was reciting Surat-ul-Fatiha with English Translation and then I saw that I am in a mosque doing Wud’u. Continue reading
Dream: One after the other Still Shaken up
Im in a dessert, behind a weak wall. I see beyond the wall where i have to go. I also see a women in red cloak behind other walls on my far left ahead of me. Continue reading
Dream: Meeting many people
I am with my wife(I am actually unmarried) and we are staying at a posh hotel but we have to share the bathroom with other people. Continue reading
Dream: Made Ney flute sound from mouth
In my dream I was making the music or sound of the Ney flute from or with my mouth Continue reading
Lucid Dreaming
When we dream does our ruh leave the body? If so, are we aware of what our souls do? Continue reading
Dream: Just a voice
In this dream, there was no images at all … only a voice saying[fr]In this dream, there was no images at all … only a voice saying[/fr] Continue reading
On Nafs Al-Mardiyyah
Q: How does somebody have the animalistic soul (ruh haywaniyya) and human soul (ruh) meet?[fr]Q: How does somebody have the animalistic soul (ruh haywaniyya) and human soul (ruh) meet?[/fr] Continue reading