Tag Archives: sadaqa
Prayer Request: convicted for crime
A friend of mine has been convicted for four years for money laundering. I don’t know if he was involved in this or not… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Difficulty
Ya Moulana I have had the pleasure of being with Moulana and yourself when I was only 14 and alhamdulilah I stayed in on jabel Qasiyun for a few years… Continue reading
How could I invite my family to Islam
I am a convert living in Damascus. My non-muslim relatives live in Germany. How can I invite them to Islam?… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Legal problems and Taqwa
My concern has to do with a legal issue that me and my mother are experiencing… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Dua for Sister dealing with personal issues
My sister is having a lot of personal and academic difficulties in her life recently; one of which came through a thesis… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Job Reinstatement
Three months back, I requested you to pray for me to get reinstated to my job. With Allah SWT’s fazal and your prayers there are miraculous things happening… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Children/ court case
I have been divorced for a year. My ex-wife does not let me see my 2 young boys… Continue reading
Dream: Jumping off from the step and unhurt
It was Friday night (just got back from Thursday Khatm in Bangkok) and I went to sleep… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For protection from evil
Please pray for me that I am protected from the evils of the world and the evils that will corrupt my heart… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For brother’s job
My brother completed his engineering and faced many interviews but unable to get a job… Continue reading