Tag Archives: salawat

Dream: Cave and Farmhouse

I. It was as if I was looking into the cave of an alligator. I saw an alligator living in it and at the back of the cave there were luminous fish or some other luminous creatures… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Recitation

I like to recite Nasheed/Naat shareef but I don’t have melody in my recitation… Continue reading

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Many people do the hadrah and come out with a sore back or feeling dizzy. There are some that you can see are feeling something… Continue reading

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Imam Ghazali’s Chapter “On Death”

I have been reading Ghazali’s chapter “On Death” in the “Ihya…” and about the agonies during death… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: My beloved brother

1. My beloved brother is having difficulties with studies (financially) and he is looking for a good job. He is also the eldest so he has many responsibilities on his head… Continue reading

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Dream: Read

I had a dream where I was in a mosque. There was a person in a white robe in front of me… Continue reading

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What is the meaning of ali in the following sentence : allahuma shali ala Muhammad wa ala ALI Muhammad wa salam?… Continue reading

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Dream: Dream of orders from sayyidana Muhammad saw

I recently had a dream regarding our Prophet saw. However he wasn’t actually present in it , but I was receiving orders from him from another person – a family member perhaps?… Continue reading

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How to put the past to rest

Last year I became increasingly aware of a very painful “boulder-like” feeling in my chest and a desperate urge to talk to my husband about the past… Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet (s) angry

I was standing in front of the world and I saw it completely changed(I felt that it was the creation of the world)… Continue reading

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