Tag Archives: sexual relations
Prayer Request:Numerous Trials
I am a [private] year old woman, got married 2 years ago but for some reason; I haven’t been able to have a sexual relationship with my husband… Continue reading
Delayed Ghusl after Intercourse
I’d like to know the ruling on delaying ghusl after the intercourse. This happens rarely when I am extremely busy and I miss prayer times because of this… Continue reading
Questions regarding marital intimacy
1. Is it permissible for a wife to swallow her husband’s ejaculate if this pleases him? Continue reading
Sex with those whom the right hand possesses
I am trapped in an impossible situation and just cannot get married. I am stuck with a bad habit too, which has reached its limit. I am on the verge of fornication… Continue reading
Shaykh Gibril Haddad Kindly Clarify
Recently in an answer to a brother you wrote and I quote “When a man has intercourse with his wife and does not name [Allah], the jinn coils around his urethra and has intercourse along with him. Continue reading
Women washing hair during ghusl at night (hanafi)
Is it fardh for a woman to wash her hair properly during ghusl?… Continue reading
Female slaves
I am not still clear about the concept of female slaves in Islam… Continue reading
Oral Sex
Is oral sex permissible in Islam? Continue reading
Husband denying marital rights
I know that husbands and wives have rights over one another for sexual relations. Continue reading