Tag Archives: sinful
Is suicide halal for the evil person?
I have heard that for an evil person, if they sleep, it is a good deed for them, because they cannot harm while sleeping. Continue reading
Is it haram/sin to be arrogant and proud?
Salam Walaykum, Is it a must law to be humble? Continue reading
Prayer Request:Evil thoughts & Addiction
I am in much problems from 1 year I’m affected by black magic. Some says it is and evil jinn, and some say angel, black magic… Continue reading
Zina or Valid Marriage?
A girl and boy accept each other as husband and wife with Allah as their witness, the boy introduces this girl to his more than two of his male friends… Continue reading
Dream: Persons of authority
In my dream I was sitting on a toilet taking a stool…so two men walked in, one a general and another person of law… Continue reading
Prayer Request: To be steadfast
I love Mawlana Shaykh Nazim so much, but I’m the most sinful, foolish and disrespectful Mureed of them… Continue reading
Worried about prayers
I am worried about my daily prayers. I am often unsure about the validity of my wudu’ and this makes me worry that my prayers may not be valid… Continue reading