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Tag Archives: Sunnah
Protection of the Sunnah
Q: Allah SWT says in the Quran to the nearest meaning that he has protected the Quran. Does that mean also the Hadith/Sunnah? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged non-recited revelation, protection, Quran, Sunnah, wahyun ghayr matluw
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Can a non-scholar issue a fatwa?
Q: What is the ruling on the person that is not a scholar issuing fatwas? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged `alim, `ulama, abrogation, fatwa, ijtihad, non-scholar, Quran, s, Sunnah
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Dream: Go to China
A few years ago I had a dream in which I was told to go to China. Then the dream was repeated and this time I saw my self in China, a voice said: THE KING WANTS YOU THERE. Continue reading
Dream: Seeing the world from an aerial view.
I saw in a dream the world from outer space. Specifically, I saw the United Kingdom to Saudi Arabia and surrounding area. There was huge white light coming from the London and surrounding areas, going all the way over the lands which are between UK and Saudi Arabia and the light came into the Hijaz region of Saudi Arabia. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged convert, Hijaz, light, nur, Prophet Muhammad (s), Saudi Arabia, Sunnah, United Kingdom, westerners
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Sunnah foods
What are the best foods to have to increase strength, improve our spiritual beings and to avoid such problems as I have just had based on the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and Mawlana shaykh Nazim(Q)? Continue reading
Homosexual acquaintances
My question: Since we live in the west, homosexuality has become quite normal here. Some people ask Muslims about their opinions on homosexuality. I personally don’t have an opinion about it, since it’s possible to have friends, colleagues or family who are homosexual. They don’t necessarily have to be bad people. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged dignity, fitna, good character, haram, homosexuality, judgment, purification of the self, Sunnah, transformation
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Takbirat of Eid
There are two type of dhikr during Eid days… Which one is valid according to sunnah ? Continue reading
Posted in Hajj, `Umrah & Ziyarah
Tagged dhikr, Eid, Hanafi, Hanbali, Imam Nawawi, Sahaba, Shafi`i, Sunnah, takbirat
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shortcut to 800 and 500
Q: Is there a spiritual shortcut to accomplishing the 500 obligations and avoiding the 800 forbiddens? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged `umrah, clean, faraid, forbiddens, hajj, masjid, obligations, prohibitions, Salat al-Ishraq, Sunnah
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Meaning of Sunnah
In the terminology of usul al-fiqh or principles of jurisprudence, sunnah denotes a saying, action or approval related from the Prophet (s) or issuing from him other than the Qur’an…. the jurists have stressed that the basis for all acts of worship categorized as sunnah is “obligatoriness” not “permissiveness”. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged action, approval, deed, fiqh, nabawi, Prophet Muhammad, Prophetic, Sunnah, usul al-fiqh
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Dream: Grandfather Dying in One’s Arms
As last night itself, I dreamed of my late grandpa. He was suffering in bed because in the room there was a silver ring with a Saphire stone, and it was this ring which made him sick. He wanted to make duas on him, I cried for my mum to make it but in vain, he left dunya in my arms.[fr]As last night itself, I dreamed of my late grandpa. He was suffering in bed because in the room there was a silver ring with a Saphire stone, and it was this ring which made him sick. He wanted to make duas on him, I cried for my mum to make it but in vain, he left dunya in my arms.[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bed, death, die, du`a, dunya, grandfather, invocation, paradise, ring, sapphire, Sayyidina Ali, silver, Sunnah
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