Tag Archives: Sunnah
Permission to use a certain dhikr
I met a Filippino mujahid who visited the Masjid an-Nabi (saw) in the early 90’s… Continue reading
Naqshbandi Haqqani clothing
I wanted to know that the clothing which Sheikh Nazim via Naqshbandi Haqqani wear… Continue reading
Reciting Qur’an for Deceased – Any Benefit for Them?
My question is to do with reciting Qur’an or S YaSin, etc for relatives who have passed away. There is much debate in my family as to whether this was a practice of Prophet SAW. Continue reading
Dream: Quran Pak as Protection
It was night-time and in our front-yard something went wrong and bc of it echo-copies were created of people… Continue reading
Dream: Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)
I was sitting on a chair in a room and there was a table in front of me on which there was the body of RasoolAllah(s.a.w) and it was his dead body… Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara to shoot guns
I did istikhara about what I should do in my personal project (learn how to shoot guns as it is hadith or do ihtiqaf,… Continue reading
Dream: Selling my house
I dream of selling my house, what does it mean?… Continue reading
Prayer Request: To meet sales target
Please do dua for me I have been confirmed a job today after applying for many. It is sales based over the telephone… Continue reading
Dream: In the masjid
had a dream that I was in a masjid and there was a sheikh sitting down and reading a kitab so I’m sitting close to him… Continue reading