Tag Archives: supplication
Khatm of the prayer of Yunas a.s
Q: Last yr I started a khatm containing saying the dua of Yunas a.s “la illaha illa Anta subhanaka inni kunta minazaalimeen” 125,000 for a personal fulfilment Continue reading
Dream: restaurant & du`aRêve: Restaurant et Du’a
I saw a dream today morning that I am in a restaurant with many people around and all of a sudden i cry and go to a corner, raise my hand and pray to Allah for something specific I desperate need.[fr]j’ai fait un rêve ce matin que j’étais dans un restaurant avec beaucoup de gens. Soudainement je me suis mis à pleurer et je suis allé dans un coin,…[/fr] Continue reading
Prayer Request: heavenly support
I’m hubmly asking,for all of creations wether they want it or need it we need heavenly support we forget to ask for it, we need to love sheik nazim, not that fake love but real stuff love. Continue reading
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham teaching Surat Al Fatiha
In the dream Mawlana Shaykh Hisham was teaching me the verses of Surat Al Fatiha then taught me some additional verses for it so that it became like a longer extended version of Surat Al Fatiha. Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Hisham asked me a question
In this dream I saw Sheikh Hisham in a Masjid. There were people about to take shahadah but their wives still hadn’t taken it. Continue reading
Dhikr vs dua
Q: Is it better to make dhikr of astaghfirullah instead of making dua since my dua is not in Arabic? Continue reading
Solat Hajat
Q: I would like to know the sequence of the Hajat Prayers according to our Tariqah.[fr]Q: I would like to know the sequence of the Hajat Prayers according to our Tariqah.[/fr] Continue reading
Seeing Laylat al Qadr.
Q: What does it mean if some human being has seen Laylat ul Qadr for real and not in a dream, please? Jazak Allah bi Khayr. Continue reading
Supplication and the Divine Will
Q: …I sometimes feel there is no point in asking Allah for specific things (for example, Oh Allah, please let me get a job or wife, etc) because what Allah has written shall come to pass regardless of whether we ask or not… Continue reading
Dream: Salawat Nariyyah
I dream of defending shalawat nariyah. In my dream someone said that that shalawat is bid’ah then I defend it. But in realty I never know about shalawat nariyah. Continue reading