Tag Archives: Surat al-Fatiha
I had a dream like I was in the mosque whose people are not knowledgeable, then I do iqamat and forced… Continue reading
Cemented high graves
Me and my family are Naqshbandis, and we often go to the shrines of saints for fatiha and request them to pray for us… Continue reading
Dream: Sura al-Fatiha
in my dream i was in a room that had a red colour, it looked like a room that was for Sohbats… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Attacked when asleep
When I sleep I feel tht I cant move&there is blowing of air in my ears- so loudly tht I feel my ears cant take it. Once I felt tht someone placed their hands on my chest&it went inside my body; immediately I couldnt move. Continue reading
Prayer Request: for black magic
my home is placed by magic/black magic many mauwlanas have told us and confirmed us this will not happen again by their treatments or practices but no positive results… we have many worries in our home by many years. Continue reading
Prayer Request: to sell our house for fulfilling nazar
My name is [private] married with [private] Jakarta,Indonesia. Hamdalah thru AwliyaAllah’s syafaah finally my wife getting pregnant after 1,5 yrs… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Black Magic by aunts
I’m [private] unmarried, my full family suffering black magic problem. It seems our life became ruined… Continue reading
Dream: partial recitation of al fatiha
After entering the prayer I begin reciting al fatiha, when I get to “ar-Rahman ar-Rahim” the Imam goes into ruku and I follow him. Continue reading